The Lord spoke to my heart in January of 2003. There were 3 messages, actually, but
this one is most relevant. While being prayed for God spoke to my heart and said, "Prophecy to the dry bones".
I knew He was referring to the prophecy found in Ezekiel 37.
Those unfamiliar with this prophecy it basically is this, God shows Ezekiel a valley filled
with dry bones (and they were very dry) and asks him, "Can these bones live?" Ezekiel says, "You know better than I."
God then commands Ezekiel to prophecy to the dry bones. When the prophet does so he watches as bone attaches to bone,
sinews and ligaments form to hold them together, they are covered with flesh and skin, but they remain as dead bodies on the
ground. God then commands Ezekiel to prophecy to the winds, which the prophet does. The winds blow over the bodies,
that were once nothing more than dry bones and "they rose up as a mighty army".
Two things. First, God has not told me to prophecy to the winds, at least not at this
time. He HAS told me to prophecy to the dry bones. He is not speaking of the House of Israel, but those in the
House of God. There are those within His church who have lost their first love, they come Sunday after Sunday, but have
forgotten why they come. They make no impact in their community for Him. They have compromised their faith.
They have let their salvation grow dry within them. It has happened, in varying degrees, to all of as at some time or
The affects of this dryness is that we have become separated from one another. Jesus
said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, that ye love one another." We have forgotten how to love
God, much less one another. God is impressing upon His people the urgency to UNIFY in Jesus, for He is coming very soon.
Jesus is not returning for "x" number of Christians scattered over the face of the earth, but for ONE true Bride, the Bride
of Christ, who has been His Body before the world in His physical absence.
It is essential that we humble ourselves before God, lay aside any and ALL prejudices we
have and allow the Holy Spirit to bring us together as ONE. Hear the Word of the Lord you people of the House of God,
let God join you together in His love. He will bind you together with that same love that caused Him to send His Only
Son to die for our sins. He will cover us with that Holy Blood and it's life will flow through us to one another.
He will cover us with righteousness which belongs unto Him alone that we may be a people of God once more. Come all
you who love the Lord. Humble yourselves before Him, seek His forgiveness, His grace and mercy. Be obedient to
His will.
Others shall come in due season to prophecy to the winds, at which time the greatest revival
the world has ever seen shall take place in God's house. In Acts we are told of the 120 that they were found in ONE
place as they prayed. Therefore it is important that we also be found in ONE place when God pours out His Spirit upon
ALL flesh as prophecied by the prophet Joel. And we shall see miracles such as we never thought possible, or we shall
find ourselves outside of God's favor.