You’ve probably heard it said to someone, maybe even to you, “Come on,
snap out of it!” You hear this a lot when people are dealing with people going through depression. Now I don’t
want to appear unsympathetic to these people, but I do want to share some insights. Snap Out of it!
Satan knows the Bible better than we do. He knows there is a God, which puts him on a plain
that a lot of people aren’t even at, but even knowing God he’s made himself an enemy of God. Knowing God’s
Word he tried to keep the Hebrew nation from growing, even had numerous attempts made at wiping them out, and it didn’t
start with Hitler, it started with Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Those attempts all failed, just as God said they would. Satan continued
to try to thwart God’s plans by killing off Jesus when He was a child, then several times during His ministry. Each
time Satan was unsuccessful. So when Jesus finally crucified it came as a sigh of relief to him. FINALLY he had killed the
One who was supposed to crush him. The problem was it was by the death and resurrection of Jesus that Jesus crushed the head
of the serpent. Again he’d lost.
As our enemy looks at the events around us he knows his time is short. He also knows that two
things are going to happen shortly. One is the coming to power of the “son of perdition” or the “anti-Christ”.
This is the good news to him, but the bad news is that during this same time there will be a worldwide revival of God’s
people. The Bible says that Jesus shall return for a “Bride without spot or wrinkle”. And the fact that the singular
is used here is not lost on our enemy. We have seen Christians martyred, starved, ignored, ridiculed, but it is not over.
While these weapons shall remain in place against God’s people it is not enough. He knows that if we unite as one, by
the power of the Holy Spirit, then his final grip on the world is gone. So he does what no one would ever think of doing,
he puts a fear, a panic, a depression on the land that enters into the church of God, into the households of righteous people.
Why? Because depression DIVIDES. When a person first begins to feel depressed they start to pull away from other people. The
more they pull away the more their depression deepens and the more they are sure that no one loves them. And the more they
let this spirit fill their thoughts the more divided they are from the rest of the Body of Christ. So it is NOT with guns
blazing, bombs going off or any of that, which is his main assault. No! It is this subtle sneak attack of depression. He is
attempting to divide the Body of Christ and thereby maintain his unlawful grip on mankind.
What can I do? Snap out of it! Sure it sounds like a cliché, some old fashion wisdom that has
nothing to do with our technological world. That’s just what he wants us to think. You see, we are at war. I don’t
mean in the Middle East, but right in our hometown, our churches and our homes. Jesus said to Peter, “Upon this rock
I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” How is it that we allow ourselves to fear
a fallen enemy? We are to be taking the war to him, in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus Christ.
Why else would Paul talk about “putting on the whole armor of God”? That armor isn’t to protect us as we
run away or for when we must sneak through enemy territory. No! That armor is for when we attack the strongholds of Satan,
tearing down the very gates of hell, setting captives free. Why aren’t we doing this? They did this in the first church.
Although mild speaking, Christians took the war right to the enemy. And why not? He had just been defeated on the cross. Have
we forgotten that? Do we believe in the power of the cross only theoretically?
I’m telling you brothers and sisters, Satan has already looked down the road and has
seen what we can do to “his” kingdom if we are united together. So he works his hardest to keep us divided. The
gossips are busy. The pressure is on. Fear has taken hold where it has no place, and we are depressed. SNAP OUT OF IT!!! We
are already MORE than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Let us walk with our heads held high. Let us say, “I know what
I am … a sinner upon whom God has poured out His mercy and grace. It is by Him, by the grace of God, by His mercy shown
in Jesus Christ, that we not only are victorious but WERE victorious. Am I speaking the word of the Lord? Search the Scripture
and see if what I am telling you is not true.
“Again He (that is the Lord) said unto me, ‘Prophecy upon these bones, and say
unto them, Oh ye dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones, Behold I will cause
breath to enter you and ye shall live.’” (Ezekiel 37:4,5)
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