Many of us have been thrilled by the legends of King Arthur and
the knights of the Round Table. The tale begins, or at least the telling of it to me, with a young boy pulling a sword out
of a stone. This was something no other knight or nobleman had been able to do. The boy didn't even pull it out for himself,
but for Sir Kaye. It was a totally unselfish act. It seems that the boy wasn't even aware of the fact that the sword was special.
That boy, Arthur, was actually the son of Uther, once King of England. His identity was kept secret. Only an old friend, a
wizard named Merlin, knew the truth.
As I was talking to a couple of great guys about how different stories tell us something
about God the thought hit me, and I give credit to the Holy Spirit for this, that the Bible is referred to as "The Sword of
the Spirit". How apt it is that Excalibur belonged only to the rightful heir to the throne. No tugging on it by anyone other
than the rightful heir could free it from the stone.
God's Truth is like that. You can't read His Holy Word and expect to get the power and wisdom
from the printed pages of that wonderful book until you first become the "rightful heir". The apostle Paul teaches us that,
"Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual
things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him:
neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (I Corinthians 2:13-14). There are many people claiming
that the Bible says this or that, or that the Bible is full of inconsistancies. Yet these people are not rightful heirs, they
cannot pull the power and wisdom of the Sword of the Spirit out of the Rock of Ages. They cannot, because such power is only
given to them who believe that Jesus is the Christ. As it says in John chapter 1 verses 11 through 13, "He came unto His own
and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God, even to them
that believe on His name; which were born, not of blood, nor the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God."
Excalibur was a mighty sword, but mightier was he who made the sword. He who is born of
the Spirit, and walks after the things of the Spirit, knows that the Sword of God is more powerful than Excalibur, for in
it contains the wisdom and power of the Creator, it flashes with the Light of Jesus Himself. The story of Arthur's Excalibur
only points us to that which is greater than Excalibur, the Word of God. As Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away,
but My Word shall not pass away." (Matthew chapter 24 verse 35).
I am not proclaiming doom upon all who do not possess this wonderful gift of God, but rather
calling to them, that they might become part of God's family. In doing so they might become "rightful heirs", take up that
Sword which is greater than Excalibur, and feel the power of God flowing through it into them
Arthur went on to form the fabled city of Camelot. We, who are born of God, however are
citizens of Heaven. Yet, we have been chosen to bring a little bit of Heaven down to our world that they may join us in that
eternal love, joy and peace, that God extends to them through His Son. For though we may pull the "sword" out of the "rock"
we remain strong, only if our foundation remains that self-same Rock. That Rock is Jesus.