In the darkness of times God chose to send His Light into the world. Jesus could
have come at any time and His love and radiance would have surpassed all understanding, but to come when the world was plunged
into darkness made His light all the more radiant, if possible.
From Adam up until the birth of Jesus mankind had been walking in darkness, in death. The Word
says, "In Him was life and that life was the LIGHT of men." I used to think it should have been the other way around, but
it was stated right. For all living things need light to live. Jesus the author of life came full of life, and that life shone
upon all mankind that we might also take part of that life which He offered to us. The light of His glory shone upon us that
we might live and no more walk in darkness and death.
I think of the powerful words of the song, "Silent night, holy night. All is calm. All is bright."
Into our night Jesus came quietly, as a gentlemen, and made our nights holy nights. Into our darkness and turmoil Jesus brought
calm and light. What He did that first Christmas He does day in and day out for all who will but hear His call and turn to
Him, revering Him as our Lord, and following Him.
May you remember this Christmas throughout the year with the knowledge that although it was
grand and wonderful beyond description it pales with that day when we shall see Him face to face. That will be a Christmas
like no other.
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