See the Jesus In Us
We may look different than people you are used to seeing. We may look like your best friend.
You may or may not recognize us. All of this is not important. Whether we are handsome or ugly, beautiful or homely,
the important thing is that you see Jesus in us. That is what we live for.
Our life is no longer our own, it belongs to God. We have given ourselves over to Him that He
might show His love to everyone through us. He does that by making us more and more like Jesus, His Son. This
is a long process. We may seem to be maturing rather slowly. Some may seem to be growing fast. Either way,
it is important that to us that you not see us, but Jesus in us.
Why are we so adamant about this? Because we cannot save you. We cannot heal you.
We can do precious little to help you one way or the other, but the Jesus who lives in us is all powerful, and is able to
meet every one of your needs. He longs to not just be your Saviour, but your friend, yes even your brother.
There are all kinds of religions out there, but this isn't about religion, this is about coming to
know God in a very real, personal and intimate way. It is becoming part of His family through Jesus and finding the
power of His authority living in you. Since Jesus loved us enough to give up His life for us, we also love you with
that same love by the power of His Holy Spirit. Every religion is wrong, or at least coming off the right track.
You see, religion is man's attempts to reach up to God, to attain something we can't even comprehend.
Entering into a relationship with God is allowing Him to reach down to you and give you the power you need to be His son,
His daughter.
So don't look at the way we dress, the way we keep our hair, even some of the faults that we are working
with Him to overcome. Instead, look at our hearts and see Jesus. He is reaching out to you right now. Take
His hand and join Him. Be His disciple, His student, and let God make you into someone brand new by the power of His