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The Power of Praise
(I need to clarify some things before you read this testimony.  I have been ministering to this lovely Christian woman, via email, for well over a month.  Due to a surgical procedure she had to undergo it is possible that she may never be able to bear children.  When this was made known to her her husband's parents began to undermine their marriage.  He eventuall moved in with them and filed for divorce.  She loves her husband and wants more than anything, to see God restore their marriage.  This testimony is one of how God used a pastor in New York, a Christian in that congregation and that message to minister to this situation halfway around the world.)

Dear David

I am full of joy in Jesus today. The meeting went well. I remember your Pastor's message and the power of praise…so I got up this morning, prayed to God and with the blessings of my parents left my home for the meeting. In the car, I turned on my CD player which has victorious warfare songs (Behold He comes, riding on the clouds, shining like the sun, at the trumpets call, lift you eyes, its the year of jubilee and out of Zion's hill salvation comes!) and kept singing and praising God in my car (don’t know what the other drivers thought!). Praise destroys strongholds and indeed the meeting was good.

There were 3 members in the panel, 2 Muslim (an elderly man and woman) and 1 Punjabi Indian man (elderly too). The lady was chairing the session and her face was so peaceful...her look was so calming and she spoke softly...very motherly. I told the whole story beginning to end, even my faults. When I spoke of some things, I cried, as it brought to my mind the hurtful incidents and words. They were sympathetic...they then read what Clement had said in his statement (cause of divorce)...he has said that he wanted to divorce me because I was not a virgin when he married me. Somehow, it did not matter to me what he had said, and I felt at peace. In Romans it says that 'there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus' and only the devil is the accuser. I am a sinner but Jesus died on the cross for me and I am in right standing with God. So I had not fear, guilt or shame. (I had told Clement of my past relationship (engagement) before our marriage and he told me he loved me and that my past did not matter to him). The irony is, I am being punished for my past which does not even involve Clement!! What has my past got to do with my marriage to Clement? To the best of my efforts, I have been a loving wife. There is no statement from him saying that I was not a good wife....and did not fulfill my duties.

But the members of the panel, evaluated the situation and stated that that is not a reason for divorce--it is a meaningless reason--the Punjabi man even went to say that the whole family needed counseling because on their small-mindedness and petty issues. They said that if he knew I was not a virgin, why continue to live with me for 12 months during which time we were a happy and loving couple? They too believe that the operation on my uterus had started the problem and that the interference of the parents has gone out of control They have agreed to put in a recommendation that Clement go for further counseling (individually) and then the two of us together as a couple. They said that they are willing to help but the parties concerned must cooperate. If Clement maintains his stand, their hands are tied too, but they will write their concerns down to be forwarded to the Family Court. Lastly, I told them that I love Clement very much and that I want this marriage to be restored. There is no divorce for me.

I am joyful because God enabled them to see the truth--and my pain--and give us more time for reconciliation efforts and not just go ahead and issue the certificate that the marriage is beyond reconciliation. At least they are doing whatever possible within their means. This means, we have more time to pray and intercede for God's hand to intervene...more time for the Holy Spirit to speak to Clement. But Clement needs to make a stand for what is right.

David, I believe God will do a miracle. Please do uphold us in prayer. I cannot thank you enough for all your words of comfort and for your prayers. God will indeed reward you.

Thank you so much and God bless you and your family.
